Dispatches from the Holy Land
Parsha Podcast
Pekudei: Accounts of the end of Shmot and Beginning of Bereshit

Pekudei: Accounts of the end of Shmot and Beginning of Bereshit

Since we have extra time, I went back to the beginning

The last parsha of the second book of the Torah is mostly descriptions of the completion of the sacred tasks of building the Tabernacle and its vessels, anointing the High Priest, and moving forward with holiness.

Don’t you just love it when a project comes to completion?

Since I never covered them in this podcast, I returned to the first two parshiot of the Torah - three accounts of the beginning of humanity, the story of Noach and the mystery with his sons, and the town/city of Bavel, which doesn’t get as much credit for the story as the tower does.

This brings us to where I started sharing about the Torah, from Lech Lecha. Don’t you just love completion?

Correction: In the recording I said “Eliyahu” was the name of Abraham’s unnamed servant. But it’s not. It’s Eliezer.

Dispatches from the Holy Land
Parsha Podcast
A weekly highlight of what's happening in the Torah