Rabbi Mordechai and I talked about what defines a Jewish soul, the Kabbalah Centre, the impact his conversion had on him, studying at yeshiva and becoming a Rabbi (twice,) coming to Israel with Madonna, his upcoming documentary on the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, conditions that deteriorated the Black family, abortion, the formula for a great marriage, and the secret to liberating African Americans.
Rabbi Mordechai explained that 80% of African Americans who came via the slave trade are from the Igbo tribe, with Israelite roots. According to him, until recently, most African Americans were Zionist (like Martin Luther King, Jr.)
What we forgot to mention is that Rabbi Mordechai frequently appears in the media, and has written a book titled Mind of the Black Jew: The Oldest New Way of Thinking. Watch his videos here.
You can financially support his work here.
Learn about the history of the Mir Yeshiva here.
The Chief Rabbi of Africa is Rabbi Pinhas Eliyahou Shaday. Here is his YouTube channel.
I was not familiar with Zera Israel before he mentioned it, but found information here.
One article (out of many) describing the connection between BLM, Marxism, and destroying the nuclear family can be found here.
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