Today I journeyed to the Old City to meet Kalman in his new private studio. We discussed his Modern Orthodox upbringing, why Israel is great for learners with ADHD, Kalman’s decision to be a scribe, the fact that English evolved in ways that Hebrew remains the same, using the pen in battle (it’s mightier than the sword), that totalitarian societies don’t last long, and being a religious artist. He can take a pasuk (phrase) and make an artwork out of it, such as a prayer of gratitude in the shape of a unicorn.
Here’s a Movement Meditation, suggested by Kalman: Think of your favourite verse. Be very present with it. Make art out of it.
You can find him at his website The Jerusalem Scribe, and on instagram, facebook, YouTube, and Linktree.
Ba’al teshuva community — community of Jews who have embraced observance
Hesder Yeshiva — Jewish educational program that combines Torah study and army service
limudei kodesh — holy studies (see below, shoresh/root l-m-d)
Sofer ST"M - a Jewish scribe (sofer) who transcribes holy scrolls (Sifrei kodesh), Tefillin, and Mezuzot (acronym ST"M)
bracha — blessing
mitzvah — action that connects one with Divinity, often translated as “commandment”
chazar — to return, read twice
pasuk — phrase
haskalah — wisdom or understanding
seichel — common sense, intellect
regesh — emotion
machshavot — thoughts
chochmah — wisdom
shalom, שלום — peace
esh, אש — fire
om — mystic syllable in Sanskrit
ם ,מ — mem, last letter in shalom, represents mayim, water
lamed — Hebrew letter ל
melamed — teacher
lomed — to learn, to study
chinuch — education
Chanukah sameach! — Happy Chanukah!
postscript: Here is a video excerpt from our interview.
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