Dispatches from the Holy Land
Dispatches from the Holy Land
Barbara Heller: Actor, Writer, Podcaster...
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -36:17

Barbara Heller: Actor, Writer, Podcaster...

Barbara Heller is a professional impersonator. She lives in LA and dubs clean words over swear words in movies. She also creates and performs one-woman shows, award-winning videos, podcasts, workshops and retreats, made a children’s book, and is an influencer. Barbara is in Israel for a month, on the women’s political talk show The Quad, from JNS.

This is where we met for lunch

Barbara shared about visiting Israel on an anti-Israel trip, being ultra spiritual like JP Sears, how she embraced Jewish tradition via an Isralight retreat with Rabbi David Aaron, where she taught an improv class, got a free trip to Israel via Steve Eisenberg, how she was saved from 9/11 by being in Israel during the intifada, getting emotional about Israel, and her show Finding Barb (a musical about 100 dates she went on.) She broke up fighting kids on Jaffo Street while we talked, and shared her message with the world: Judge others favourably. Listen from minute 29 to hear a real-life example of how she has real connections with people on social media.

Find her on instagram (before they take it down!); her podcast See One Beautiful Soul, about forgiveness; videos; facebook; her children’s book And Then, One Day, The World Coughed; and her website.

This is where our interview happened


Kasher - to make kosher, fit; in this context, to make movies child-friendly

Nes Gadol - big miracle; two of the four letters of the Chanukah dreidel represent this phrase

Kavanah - intention

Klum - nothing

Shabbat - sunset Friday night until sunset Saturday night, lasts 25 hours

HaShem - the Divine

Bamba - peanut-based popular snack in Israel

Kibud Av v’Em - Respect/Honour Father and Mother, one of the ten commandments

Neder - vow

Ima - mother

Yom Tov - have a good day (also, holiday)

...And some gratuitous shots of me

postscript: Here is her first episode on The Quad.
