Jewish Empowerment

Dear Fellow Jews, (and people who love us!)

It’s important for you to know that there is something going on right now. It’s not a coincidence, it’s not a grassroots effort, and it certainly isn’t organically erupting out of the kindness of the hearts of people who couldn’t care less about what is happening in Sudan or a dozen other world conflicts, but suddenly woke up really, really caring about a poor oppressed people in the Middle East (and I don’t mean us!)

This is a planned, coordinated, multi-billion dollar effort.

It has been in the works for a very long time. Since 2001, or since 1964, or since 70, or it may even go back to Mount Sinai, depending on how long is your view of history. But it certainly didn’t start in 2023.

What is happening on university campuses and on social media is a deliberate effort, part of a long war.

It is called psychological warfare.

And you are standing on the battlefield.

I want to equip you to fight in a war that you didn’t sign up for, and may not have even know that you were a part of. But, here you are.

It may feel painful, shocking, outrageous, horrifying, sad, confusing, isolating, unfair, frustrating, never-ending, all-consuming, maddening. It may be all of those things, and more.

This is how I want you to feel: empowered, bold, lively, purpose-driven, connected, clear, passionate, calm. I want you to feel that you are a part of something much greater — something that spans all of time, all of the world, and connected to millions of other souls, connected to a Higher Power, and connected to a grander mission.

Right now, the Jewish community and Hasbara efforts are focused on deflating questions such as, “What is going on?”, “How could this be happening?”, “Why is there so much antisemitism?”, and “How can we stop it?” The emphasis is on being reactive, putting out fires, and being on the defensive. We’ve been playing wack-a-mole for at least 20 years, and for generations before.

I invite us to shift our focus, and instead ask empowering questions, such as:

  1. What does all of this mean? What’s really going on behind all of this?

  2. What can we do about it? How can we leverage all this energy, and channel it into something for the good?

In this course, b’ezrat HaShem, we will reframe our perspective. We will ask different questions, and thus see things in a different light. Instead of fighting, we will work with what’s going on, and redirect our own attentions. You will not only learn things you may not have known, but you will feel differently about what’s going on.